Tuesday, March 20, 2012

There are no words... {Maine Family Photographer}

My.life.has.been.changed.forever. And I don't say that lightly...

About 3 weeks ago I was contacted by a friend of Addilyn's family and asked if I would consider doing a photo session for this very special little girl.  When I heard her story I couldn't say no.

 Six month old little Addilyn was recently diagnosed with Krabbe disease and her parent's world has been turned upside down. They spend their days loving their little girl, holding her close and trying to make her comfortable. Addilyn is in constant pain and is on medication round-the-clock to help manage some of that discomfort, but it was apparent to me that the only real thing that calmed her down was Mom. It was amazing to watch the connection they had and the way Mom knew how to soothe her. 

For the first hour and a half of our time together Mom and Dad both tried to help Addilyn relax but it was quickly evident that the only photos we were going to capture were poses that included Mom holding her. So, we got creative and without putting further stress on Addilyn were able to capture some amazing moments and memories for them to cherish forever. 

Our photo shoot wasn't what I had "planned," but it was made very clear to me that none of what 'I planned' mattered anymore. Who cares if Mom and/or Dad are in the photos with her, who cares if she needs her pacifier, and it didn't even matter to me anymore how long it took us. My ultimate goal changed from capturing some beautiful portraits of Addilyn to capturing the family bond that they share. My goal went from 'getting the cute pictures' to 'preserving memories of love.' 

In every photo I session I do my goal is to capture emotion but this session overtook me and I was speechless at times. Their love for their little girl was so strong that my tears couldn't be held back. 

This little baby girl has changed my outlook on life. She has made me realize that I take too many things for granted and that life is a precious gift to be treasured. I truly believe that God put Adeline here on Earth, even if for a short while, to touch our lives and remind us ALL that we should hold our loved ones closer tonight and every day for the rest of our lives! 

I will be seeing the family a few more times in the near future, hopefully for at least one more photo shoot in their home, so if you would like to make a contribution to Addilyn's fundraiser then feel free to contact me and I can put you in touch with them and/or would be happy to deliver your donation to them personally. 

I am forever grateful for what Addilyn has done in my life. My love and prayers go out to this family daily! <3


  1. tears continue to pour down my face. this life isn't what we had planned but clearly it is what He has planned for us. i sit here with my beautiful baby girl in my arms and am just so thankful for another day. everyday is such a blessing that i am so greatful for!! you have such a beautiful personality nicole and i am so happy i have been given the oppertunity to get to know you! i love this write up and im thinking it belongs on my wall. she has touched and changed our lives forever. im so blessed and honored to say "she's my daughter". i love her with all my heart and so much more. you did an amazing job capturing the emotion!thanks again!

  2. absolutly amazing. jamie, kyle, and addilyn are all so beautful and inspiring.

  3. Jamies, Addilyn, Kyle - you have reached alot of different lives because of Addilyn she is a beautiful child, we do not understand why but you have a child that is a amazing and you have been amazing how you have touched our lives.

  4. Such a touching write up and amazing photos Nicole! What an absolutely beautiful little girl.

  5. Such an inspiring, beautiful little girl & parents! You are never given more than you can handle. Both Addilyn & her parents are so strong. I think the world of you jamie for being so tough given the situation! Addilyns daddy & family is obviously very strong too! I keep your beautiful daughter in thoughts & prayers! ♥
